School uniform provider

Our uniform supplier is Mapac – you can purchase items of our uniform with our academy logo on their website.

There is a proven link between high standards of uniform and improved learning, so we expect pupils to show pride in their appearance.

Please refer to our uniform policy on our policy page.

New uniform guidance

As you may be aware, government guidance on uniform has changed. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure the cost of school uniforms is reasonable and parents get the best value for money.

With this in mind, we have ensured that, if parents wish to purchase uniform items with the academy logo, our supplier gives the highest priority to cost and value for money, including the quality and durability of the garment.

However, we have also made changes to our uniform to also ensure that parents can buy all school uniform items (without logo) from any store.
If you have any questions about uniform, including where you can access second-hand uniform, please contact us.


Academy ties are available from the Mapac website for £5.50.

Nursery, reception, years 1-4

  • White polo shirt
  • Royal blue cardigan or jumper with or without academy logo
  • Charcoal grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Charcoal grey tights or socks
  • Black shoes, no trainers

Summer term only

  • Royal blue checkered dress or charcoal shorts
  • Charcoal socks

Year 5 and 6

  • White shirt or blouse
  • Blue and gold school tie
  • Royal blue cardigan or jumper (logo optional)
  • Charcoal grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Charcoal grey tights or socks
  • Black shoes, no trainers

Summer term only

  • Royal blue checkered dress or charcoal shorts
  • Charcoal socks

PE kit

Reception – year 6 (not for nursery)

  • Royal blue or white performance t-shirt (logo optional)
  • Shadow stripe shorts (navy blue)
  • Black leggings
  • Jogging bottoms (navy blue)
  • Royal blue hoody (logo optional)
  • Plimsolls or trainers

Hair, jewellery, earrings and make up

Jewellery or make up should not worn, with the exception of watches and stud earrings. We encourage parents to make use of the summer holidays for ear piercing. This will enable ears to heal before returning to academy in September.

All hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back with only a plain blue or black band (no other hair accessories). No dyed hair or extreme hairstyles please. Nail varnish or tattoos/transfers should not be worn.

Second-hand uniform

If you are interested in purchasing pre-loved uniform please contact us.