At Thrumpton Primary Academy, we aim to ensure pupils attend every day possible, so that they are able to access full learning opportunities. The expectation is that children should maintain an attendance of at least 96%.

The information below should help parents/carers to support their children to ensure we achieve the highest possible attendance levels.

Poor attendance has been shown to impact on learning and attainment, not just in the current academy, but throughout a child’s education – leading to limited life choices. For our pupils to fulfil their potential, we have a duty to encourage, support and enforce good attendance.

Whilst we recognise the difficulties and challenges for some families in taking holidays, and will seek creative solutions to work together with parents, there is a duty on parents and academies to ensure pupils access their full entitlement.

Parental requirements

All parents/carers of Thrumpton pupils should:

  • under Section 7 of the Education Act 1996, ensure that their child receives efficient full-time education, suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special needs they may have, either by regular attendance at the academy or otherwise
  • ensure that they are fully aware of the academy’s attendance policy as any absence will have a huge impact on your child’s learning
  • have children in class, ready for teaching, by the start of the day at 8.50am
  • inform the academy of any absence and keep us up to date of any prolonged absence; if
    we are not informed of a reason for absence this will be considered as unauthorised
  • inform us of leave as far in advance as possible
  • make applications for leave in writing, giving the reason for the request
  • work with the academy and the family service to improve lateness and attendance
  • avoid medical and dental appointments during the academy day
  • not take holidays in academy term time

If you are worried about your child’s attendance at the academy, you should:

  • talk to your child; it may be something simple that needs your help in resolving
  • talk to your child’s class teacher in the first instance
  • talk to either Mrs Roberts (Attendance Officer) or Mrs Hurley (Principal)


In line with government legislation, Principals are unable to authorise leave for holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances, which may be:

  • funeral
  • wedding of immediate relative
  • holidays which have to be taken in term time due to the circumstances of the child/family, such as medical needs (this does not include parental job leave/flight availability)

Local Authority Code of Conduct for issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices will be followed in cases of holidays taken without prior authorisation

The academy’s policy on attendance is regulated by Diverse Academies policies, and is aligned with Nottinghamshire County Council’s guidelines.