Our enrichment offer

We believe that education is more than just mastering English and maths – it’s also about enrichment and extraordinary experiences that extend children’s learning through new encounters and opportunities, creating brighter tomorrows and supporting them in ‘Being The Best They Can Be’.

Enrichment and extraordinary experiences give children opportunities to try new and varied activities that may not strictly fit into the curriculum, but that develop character. They help to teach life skills that benefit children beyond the classroom, and can develop an appreciation for cultural and community issues, teamwork and social responsibility.

By ‘character’, we mean a set of attitudes, skills and behaviours – which we live out through our Team Thrumpton Traits (respect, resilience, independence, creativity and pride). These behaviours reflect and underpin our core values, we empower, we respect, we care, and we believe that this enables success in school and beyond.

These are also referred to as ‘social and emotional skills’, or ‘essential life skills’. They include the ability to respond to setbacks, work well with others, build relationships, manage emotions, and cope with difficult situations.

As well as the highest quality teaching and learning, we promise that every child at Team Thrumpton will have the opportunity to….

  • Learn to respect our community
  • Learn to play an instrument
  • Learn to swim
  • Have the opportunity to become a sports leader
  • Raise money for charity
  • Cook within design and technology using recipes and creating our own
  • Learn to sew
  • Visit an art gallery
  • Take part in tournaments
  • Attend school discos
  • Take part in British science week
  • Make clay and pottery designs
  • Attend forest schools
  • Visit religious buildings in the local area
  • Go on an overnight educational visit
  • Learn how to navigate personal and social engagement
  • Visit coastal areas
  • Take pride in their own creative achievements
  • Visit a library
  • Visit museums and galleries
  • Explore animals and their environments/habitats
  • Learn about different careers
  • See a pantomime or visit a theatre
  • Learn and build appropriate relationships
  • Compete in a sports day
  • Visit local care homes and have conversations with the older generation
  • Take part in World Book Day
  • Take part in a musical performance
  • Visit a farm
  • Be a learning buddy
  • Join a club
  • Learn about a range of different artists and art movements
  • Take part in Internet Safety Day
  • Learn a different language
  • Learn about different countries and cultures

Extra-curricular enrichment

We encourage all children to get involved in activities outside of their lessons; to enable them to try new things, meet new friends and develop new skills. We offer a number of free clubs that might interest your child. These run at different times in the year.

Contact us to find out how to get your child involved.

Our free clubs

Tag rugby
Young voices choir
Puppet club
Times Tables Rock Stars
Sing and sign

Pupil leadership opportunities

Team Thrumpton Junior Leadership Team

The Team Thrumpton Junior Leadership Team (JLT) empowers children within our academy and wider community to become ambassadors. The JLT play an extremely important role in the academy by representing the pupil voice with their views on changes and improvements to academy life.

Members of the pupil leadership team have to demonstrate qualities such as the use of initiative; being a good role model to their peers and being able to share their ideas with others. Children are role models for ‘Being The Best They Can Be’. They must be trustworthy, honest, well-mannered and patient – all important skills to have when they move on to the next stages of their education and career.

Play leaders

Our team of play leaders support in setting up and tidying away our equipment for Project Play. They are clearly identified by their high-vis vests out on our playgrounds.


Our team of librarians collect returned books from all classes and restock the library. They take great pride in keeping our beautiful library looking great and organised.

Sports leaders

Our team of sports leaders work with Mr Kane from Retford Oaks Academy to discuss ideas for games and outdoor activities followed by planning and practicing how to teach their peers how to play them.

The role of the sports leaders is to support their friends and classmates within the academy, specifically at breaks and lunchtimes.

Sports leaders together with Mr Kane and Mr Williams also arrange and lead sports events for the academy working with staff members.