Our enrichment offer
We believe that education is more than just mastering English and maths – it’s also about enrichment and extraordinary experiences that extend children’s learning through new encounters and opportunities, creating brighter tomorrows and supporting them in ‘Being The Best They Can Be’.
Enrichment and extraordinary experiences give children opportunities to try new and varied activities that may not strictly fit into the curriculum, but that develop character. They help to teach life skills that benefit children beyond the classroom, and can develop an appreciation for cultural and community issues, teamwork and social responsibility.
By ‘character’, we mean a set of attitudes, skills and behaviours – which we live out through our Team Thrumpton Traits (respect, resilience, independence, creativity and pride). These behaviours reflect and underpin our core values, we empower, we respect, we care, and we believe that this enables success in school and beyond.
These are also referred to as ‘social and emotional skills’, or ‘essential life skills’. They include the ability to respond to setbacks, work well with others, build relationships, manage emotions, and cope with difficult situations.