English unites the important skills of reading and writing, speaking and listening, spelling and grammar.

At Thrumpton Primary Academy, we recognise that English is a core subject within the National Curriculum 2014 and a pre-requisite for educational and social progress. We believe that literacy and communication are key life skills and that language allows children to communicate creatively and imaginatively, as well as enabling them to engage with the world at large. We also intend to help children to enjoy and appreciate literature and its rich variety.

‘Leaders have made reading a high priority.’

(Ofsted, December 2021)

Throughout key stage 1 and 2, we use the Read Write Inc. phonics and spelling programme. We also ensure that children access the curriculum at the appropriate level, thus ensuring progression and differentiation.

In Read Write Inc we:

  • assess children every half term on their sound knowledge and blending skills
  • group children according to the sounds they already know building on new learning each day
  • teach lessons that are fun and full of energy and praise
  • partner children so they can teach each other and enjoy each other’s success
  • give children an opportunity to enjoy reading for pleasure